Buses from Foz do Iguacu to Asunción
The Foz do Iguacu to Asuncion bus route runs daily at 1:00AM. There is one bus line with full reclinable seats.
Foz do Iguacu to Asunción Bus Route
The bus ride between Foz do Iguacu and Asunción takes approximately 6 hours. The bus company provides pillow, blanket and snacks. You must let the attendant know when bording, that you need to stamp out of brazil and the bus will wait at the customs for you. Then drives across the bridge over Rio Parana to the border control office on the Paraguay side and waits.
The company offering the Foz to Asunción direct route depart from Rodoviaria Internacional de Foz do Iguacu (Foz's main bus terminal), arriving at Terminal de Asuncion (Asunción's main bus terminal):
Sol do Paraguay (http://www.soldelparaguay.com.py)
Classes of buses used on this route are:
Cama - almost full recline
For more departures you can cross into Paraguay and go to the Cuidad del Este terminal where there are a lot more departures during the day on varying quaility buses.
The bus from Foz terminal to Ciudad del Este, departs every 40 minutes and takes around 30 minutes if there is no traffic at the border. Just look for the bus which says Ciudad del Este.
Book your bus now!
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