Buses from Foz do Iguacu to Buenos Aires
To travel from Foz to Iguacu to Buenos Aires you will have to make your way to Puerto Iguazu.
There are many buses to the argentinian side, look for the buses which say TTU which will take you downtown and terminate at the domestic terminal called Terminal Transporte Urbano. Once there exit the terminal and just outside you can catch the local International bus which is signed: Puerto Iguazu Argentina.
Once on the bus remind the drivers you need to get off at the Brazilian border to stamp out of Brazil otherwise they might not stop. The bus will not wait for you, but the driver will give you a ticket to catch the next bus. Important to note that there are two companies who do this route and the ticket they give you is only valid for the same company so note the name on the bus you just got off.
The average waiting time for the next bus is 40 minutes, and you need to get off again to do the Argentine border procedures. This time the bus will wait a few minutes for you if there are no queues at immigration, and then continue to the Puerto Iguazu bus terminal.
There are 6 companies running the Puerto Iguazu to Buenos Aires bus route everyday in between 11:30 and 19:15.
Foz do Iguacu to Buenos Aires Bus Route
The bus ride takes approximately 18 hours. The company offering the Puerto Iguazu to Buenos Aires direct route depart from Terminal de Puerto Iguazu (Puerto Iguazu main bus terminal), arriving at Terminal Retiro (Buenos Aires main bus terminal):
Cruzero del Norte (http://www.crucerodelnorte.com.ar/)
Tigre Iguazu (http://www.tigreiguazu.com.ar/)
El Rapido Argentino (http://www.rapido-argentino.com/)
VÃa Bariloche (http://www.viabariloche.com.ar/)
Expreso Singer (http://expresosinger.com.ar/)
Rio Uruguay (http://www.riouruguaybus.com.ar/)
The class of buses used on this route is:
Semi Cama - Semi-bed half recline
Cama - full recline bed
The majority of travel is done on a highway and there is little that is remarkable on the road. Since the two cities are very different, the most interesting scenery occurs when departing or approaching each area.
Remember to arrive to the Puerto Iguazu Terminal at least 40 minutes before the scheduled departure because you will need to redeem your ticket at the Ticket Desk of your chosen company; there they will also tell you which is the boarding platform for this particular trip.
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